Welcome to the September 2020 Edition of the SL Coast Guard Magazine. This month the feature is Station Munro, who is celebrating their 10 year anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Station Munro, keep up the great work.
PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Editor – SLCG Magazine
What is a Hero? by Commandant Allian Blackwell
From the SLCG Chaplain’s Corner by Idoru Kiyori
XO Graduates of August 2020 by Capt. Sophie Sharkfin
August 2020 TRACEN Awards by PO3 Sylvia Caproni
SLCG August 2020 Promotions by Sylvia Caproni
SLCG August 2020 Graduates by Sylvia Caproni
Fraternization and Dating in the SLCG by Commandant Allian Blackwell
Munro Celebration by PO1 Asa Darkbird
Munro: the memories, the love, the vision by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Munro: An Interview With the Past AND Present by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
“The Cost of War” by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Munro’s Memorial, “The Cost of War” by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
“No Greater Love Hath Any Man Than This …” by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
But For the Love of a Mother by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Memorials are for Memories by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
The Munro Museum by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Munro WPB History by Freelance Writer
Always Remember by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Remembering a Poppy by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Suicide Awareness Month by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
EAR Gets Wild and Crazy over Independence Event by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Antarctica Here We Come! by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
FAQ for the New Ice Station by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
August 2020 Rescues by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
A Greek Coast Guardian Dies, We Remember and Honor by Freelance Writer
The Beginnings of an SR by Freelance Writer
A Seaman Recruit’s 2nd Week by Freelance Writer
What I Learned About SAR as a Recruit by Freelance Writer
Ferry Ran Aground by Freelance Writer
The 15th Birthday Event of SLCG by Freelance Writer
Diving in the Divine by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Creeping Reporter Exposes Secret Party by PO1 Asa Darkbyrd