The 2nd week in the rotation:
It is Sunday again, and I am more relaxed than last week.
Suna and I did an excellent tour over Terranova. This time the stops were also announced much earlier. So, I looked at the list and saw that I was assigned to the station Farcastle. I went there in civilian clothes and had a look at the station.
I was busy with some other things in SL again, and somehow it quickly became evening. I even came out with my motorcycle also. But suddenly, there was an emergency call, and it was real. One person was in distress at sea and needed the help of the SAR (Search and Rescue Unit). Since I knew that units were on the way, I went to the known position, of course, in some distance, to watch the rescue.

There I had also seen my contact person, Station XO SCPO Celine. When things had calmed down a bit, I had also written to SCPO Celine. I found her very sympathetic from the beginning. She welcomed me to the Farcastle Station and gave me my secret missions.
I thought the tasks were well chosen, with one of them making me almost desperate. Only when Suna and I went back to the area because 4 eyes see more than 2, did I find it and complete the mission.
But I was also surprised at how many great lighthouses there are, especially on the island Gaeta.

On Monday, I only did 2 patrols. During my 2nd patrol, I was asked if I wanted to participate as a survivor in a SAR exercise; I said yes and went there. During the training, I had learned a lot, among other things, how a survivor behaves. Three different scenarios were trained.

Afterward, I learned that this was not an exercise, but the practical final examination of a lifeguard.
Immediately afterward, we went to a Race Security, which I also took part in on Wednesday. At first, I thought it was quite dull, but I was utterly wrong. It was crazy fun. I was allowed to test my radio knowledge that I had acquired so far. And there I learned a lot of new things again.
But I was actually able to get hold of 2 more courses this week. On Wednesday, I met with my tutor was Petty Officer Willow, a real rescue pilot. We talked about the tasks and the requirements for the SAG. I thought it was a lovely talk, and I think we could have talked about it for hours more.
On Thursday, I was met by Senior Chief Petty Officer Celine, my XO from Farcastle Station. We did the course Radio 1. There it was all about the operation and handling of the radio. We did it theoretically, and then we went on a patrol where I could test my acquired knowledge. We had a lot of fun with it, and who says I sang on the radio is lying. Well, maybe there was one of the other songs to hear.

I finally got my mentor this week, so I don’t have to bother my sister. It has also become my dream mentor, which I was pleased about because he had already helped me last week. It has become Lieutenant Tersimus. Who is now wondering why I chose him? I can simply answer that I always want to learn from the best, and he is the best for me. He pushed me in the right direction last week, and I think he will do this more often in the future.
In the evening, I went with CDR Michel Rosenstrauch, LT Coralie Foggarty, LT Henry Foggarty, and Suna to the EPI EMMONS. This FRC, Fast Response Cutter, belongs to Commander Rosenstrauch. It was also hilarious.

I said goodbye to the Farcastle Station on Saturday with a little present.
Then there was an official date, and that was the TRACEN AWARDS. All SL CG members get their certificates and their qualification marks for the courses they have successfully completed. I found it very interesting, and many people I knew, for example, Suna and Aldae, got awards.
I am already curious about how it will be next week.
ღMαιкεMια Sυиαтσღ