Previously in the week, there had been an announcement made by our Commandant, Allian Blackwell. The statement made stated that there would be a surprise on Saturday morning at 0800 Sharp and show up in your uniforms. Saturday morning, people showed up lining up the seats at the award’s grounds, wondering and waiting what it would be. Not even your illustrious roving reporter was privy to the information coming out beforehand. Boo! So sitting in our chairs, waiting with great anticipation, the Commandant shows up and begins the speech:
Allian Blackwell (allian): Good day Guardians
Allian Blackwell (allian): Thank you all for being here early today. At this time, I would like RADM Sniper Schridde to come to the bridge.
Sniper Schridde: reporting as ordered, ma’am
Allian Blackwell (allian): Oops, sorry I don’t see you. Everyone, please meet RADM Sniper Schriddle. I know for some of you may be the first time you’ve ever seen him; he is the enigma of the SLCG and the oldest member besides Ret Adm Sanstrom Laxness or Ret Adm Tig Spijkers. I can remember the first time I spoke with Sniper when I lost my password to the forums. I didn’t even know who he was or that he existed. Oh, but very soon, but soon learned what an important and vital part of SLCG he was, especially when we lost the forums altogether. We all had to start over again. You see, our RADM lives in the land of Oz in Australia. Most of us are the opposite times; it is 1am today for him. He is also a busy man father to 4 small children 2 of being twins. He is also a member of Australia’s infamous firefighters. He is a busy guy.
RADM Schridde and I have spoken many times and very much value today what he does tirelessly for this group over the years. There is not only the forums; there is his immense knowledge of SLCG and where it can go via the Internet and its capabilities. RADM Schriddle's server is what our forums are served on, which he consistently updates and keeps abreast of what could be to our future. He has recently added our Discord channel, the notices being seen offline, and contact for us even when we can't be online. If you haven't joined Discord yet, I encourage you to join. It is a fun way of keeping in touch and convenience when you can't be online in Second Life. I could go on for hours about what RADM Schridde has done and is doing, such as building a Wiki for our group and email system, but those I will keep this short. Today is one particular day. Please remember for RADM Schridde has not been able to attend graduation since he was a CDR. But I wanted him to have you here to witness this event. Today on behalf of our founder, Retired Admiral Sanstrom Laxness, and myself, I bestow upon RADM Sniper Schridde to promote VADM with all right and responsibilities wherewith of the SL Coast Guard. He earned his 3rd star.
Allian Blackwell SEMPER PARATUS
Sniper Schridde: Attention
Sniper Schridde salutes
Allian Blackwell (allian): on behalf of Sans, Congrats! If you would like to say a few words, we’d be delighted to hear them.
Sniper Schridde: Thankyou again, ma’am
Allian Blackwell (allian): You are very welcome
Sniper Schridde: I’m humbled you guys have thought I am deserving of such a high honor, eh.
Allian Blackwell (allian): Yes, well what you do is a bit hidden but still so important
Sniper Schridde: as the Admiral mentioned, we do have a few services now out of the world we would really like you to get involved with. Discord is one of them – to that end ill send out a notice with the invite link. Yes, a lot of time and effort goes into looking after all this. But to see all this family makes it all so worthwhile.
Allian Blackwell: Yes, it does
Sniper Schridde: so again Thankyou to you all…. you are what makes this group live, breathe and grow
Allian Blackwell: Okay, stay here for a moment, VADM
Sniper Schridde: I wouldn’t be standing here today, accepting this if it wasn’t for you aye ma’am.
Allian Blackwell (allian): no, we wouldn’t. I have a gift for you. This is one of the things that the VADM was wanting, and it is the gift that keeps on giving.
Ansaja Guardian: a coffee machine 🙂
Julia Raymond: A subscription to Vermont Woodworking Weekly?
Sniper Schridde: Ah! Coffee!
Andy: a donut canon smile
Terry Takoda Monday: A donut maker
Ken Whitfield (keneth80.whitfield): A sony PlayStation….cool
Adili Roge: Apple of the month club?
Allian Blackwell: His very own scooter

Sniper Schridde: haha now we can have these races we have been discussing
Allian Blackwell: And he’s sharing I have bought a scooter rezzer for all
Henry Foggarty: it needs slcg colors
Allian Blackwell: With an obstacle course
Xandros Kellman: Just what the Old Man
Ansaja Guardian: oh my 🙂 how cool is that
Ken Whitfield: Woot Woot….now he can go to Walmart on his own.
Sniper Schridde: a minor technicality, I’m sure 😛
Terry Takoda Monday: you can put coffee and donuts in the basket
Allian Blackwell: haha
Sniper Schridde: wow Thankyou again
Julia Raymond: Its Fire Engine Red!
Allian Blackwell: you are so welcome
Ansaja Guardian: and at Christmas, he gets the helmet for it
Allian Blackwell: There will be a scooter rezzer at HQ

Well, what do you know, not only a promotion but a scooter, guess we all need ways to get around in our older age. I didn’t say that. Okay, maybe I did. But after all the pokes and jabs at the newly minted VAMDL it was time for him to walk the plank, and yes, folks, he did walk the plank. His first action was performed after donning and polishing those new stars. Good luck on your new journey, Sir, and our congratulations.