Mαηdy ℂαятнαgε ŁεεЌš: Thank you all for attending. Graduation is always an excellent day for SLCG; it brings all our hard work for the month to a great conclusion. We not only get to graduate some very deserving recruits, but we get to issue promotions and awards for guardians that have worked hard and shown themselves to be exemplary Coasties.
As usual, your new uniforms will are to be issued first thing Sunday morning when things have quieted down. So please be patient. 🙂
Right now, I would like to give RTC CO LT Letizia Faulkes the bridge to start the graduation portion of our ceremony.
Lieutenant, the bridge is yours.
Letizia Faulkes: Commandant, Vice Commandant, Command Staff, Commanding Officers, fellow Guardians, Seamen Recruits, and Honored Guests, welcome to SL Coast Guard’s September 2020 Graduation! On behalf of Recruit Training Center and its staff, I am LT Letizia Faulkes, Commanding Officer of RTC, presenting the September graduates of Recruit Training Command. This month has brought us four proud and enthusiastic recruits, all eager to be part of SL’s most professional organization. Their hard work and dedication to duty will pay off today as they graduate and become a Petty Officer Third Class in the SL Coast Guard!
Today the hard work commences as you move to new stations and explore the multitude of programs that SLCG has to offer. I hope you find your new permanent stations and your follow-on training, both enriching and fun. Ladies and gentlemen, this group of four graduates is an impressive, diverse group with many talents ready to be shared. Recruits, I know that all of you will make me and those on this stage very proud. Congratulations to all of you today!
Letizia Faulkes: Today, the hard work commences as you move to new stations and explore the multitude of programs that SLCG has to offer. I hope you find your new permanent stations and your follow-on training, both enriching and fun. Ladies and gentlemen, this group of four graduates is an impressive, diverse group with many talents ready to be shared.
Recruits, I know that all of you will make me and those on this stage very proud. Congratulations to all of you today! Now for our individual promotions.
I always start with the Recruit have been training the longest of all, SR Talanos Arcamenel.
Unfortunately, he cannot be with us today due to demands from his RL Work. He is on shift at this moment, and by the way, he was discouraged about that.
I can say about him.
SR Talanos. He had to deal with his job demands at RL, which required many hours of dedication per day. The long hours caused him many difficulties in the beginning. But he never used it as an excuse. He strove to organize himself and found his times and improved day after day until he found his rhythm according to his work demands in RL. His reports were always efficient, he did not neglect the outreach, and he met all the professional standards required during his rotation period. He will undoubtedly do an excellent job at the station assigned to him. When he advised me that he could not be present today, I dared to ask him to write something about the usual question, “what was your most memorable experience during your training time?” He wrote to me something that I’ll read textually for you on his behalf.
Then SR Talanos wrote: “My most memorable experience in the SL Coast Guard has been getting to know some amazing people here, whether it has been patrolling together, learning from someone or just hanging out with someone, I’ve never met a more accepting and welcoming group in Second Life, Period. Thank you all for being so kind and generous with your time.”
And finally, about Talanos, let me share with you something that I found in his profile when he refers to SLCG that I dare to read it because he made it public:
“I started this journey not entirely knowing what to expect, only that I had this intense desire to be part of something bigger than myself. A long time ago, I envisioned being a member of our military services, serving my country, and helping save lives. However, this dream was not to be for medical reasons. Now, I found myself with a group of unique individuals who share a like mind, a corps of Guardians, promoting safety, helping to save lives. I couldn’t be more blessed”.
His words show his commitment and his character as a new member of our Institution. Please stop and congratulating him when you find him online during the week.
SR Maikemia Sunato, please come to the deck.
Letizia Faulkes:
SR Sunato has shown an enormous willingness to work from the first day, and in just three weeks of rotations, she has carried out about 60 patrols.
She has always made excellent and well-detailed reports.
She has shown an intense work in outreach.
- She always is participating in different special activities and has had praised cooperation with the magazine.
In short, she is a tireless workaholic lol. She has been given excellent recommendations from her superiors at the stations where she reported during her rotations and from her mentor and others who have shared or worked with her. I do not doubt that SR Sunato will be an excellent professional in her career, So tell me, what was your most memorable experience during your training time?
ღMαιкεMια Sυиαтσღ: I thought for a long time, which was my most unforgettable experience, and I don’t want to highlight any particular experience as it was all a very great experience. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Thanks to everyone who has supported me up to this point and has given me advice and assistance.
Special thanks to my sister PO3 Suna Sunato, PO1 Asa Darkbyrd; I work great with SLCG magazine, LT Tersimus, my mentor who gave me many tips, and SCPO Celine, who I did funny patrols.
Letizia Faulkes: Thank you for sharing that! Now, to make you a proper Petty Officer of the SL Coast Guard:
ღMαιкεMια Sυиαтσღ: I, SR Maike-Mia Sunato, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Guidelines of the SL Coast Guard. That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me, God.

Letizia Faulkes: Finally, by order of the Commandant of the SL Coast Guard, you are now promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Class with all rights and responsibilities of that rank! Congratulations PO3!
As in the previous case, when describing SR Sunato’s work, SR Nance Monti has shown the same enormous willingness to work from the first day, and in just three weeks of rotations, she also has carried out about 60 patrols. Her reports were always impeccably detailed; she has shown an intense work in outreach, participating in different special activities. In short, with her, we found another tireless workaholic lol.
She achieved excellent recommendations from her superiors at the stations where she reported during her rotations. I do not doubt that SR Monti will be a fantastic professional in her career.
So tell me, what was your most memorable experience during your training time?
ღŊaŊcε Cαştαηεα-MaŊcιŊƟ-MƟŊtιღ: Station Farcastle and being fascinated by the memorial thereof Lt. Kyriakos Papadopoulos and what a true hero he was. Kyriakos Papadopoulos was a heroic Greek Coast Guard Captain who selflessly devoted himself to saving thousands of migrants crossing the Aegean Sea during the European migrant crisis. I felt the meaning of the Coast Guard and how important they are all around the world. I am proud to be part of the SLCG. I hope to learn many new and inspiring things in the future. Thank you all for the beautiful new beginning and the incredible experiences you have shown me so far!
Letizia Faulkes: I also know the heroic story of Lt. Kyriakos Papadopoulos. Thank you for sharing that! Now, to make you a proper Petty Officer of the SL Coast Guard:
ღŊaŊcε Cαştαηεα-MaŊcιŊƟ-MƟŊtιღ: “I, SR Nance Monti, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Guidelines of the SL Coast Guard. That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me, God.”

Letizia Faulkes: Finally, by order of the Commandant of the SL Coast Guard, you are now promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Class with all rights and responsibilities of that rank! Congratulations PO3!
SR Shani Nosferatu, please come to the deck.
SR Shani Nosferatu started his training almost on the cut off date set for the graduations in September. But with a moving enthusiasm and desire to work. She made substantial mental sacrifices by answering all the tests in one go and making up for the time to think that maybe she could do it. So I decided to accompany her, even arriving a little late for her first rotation. In the beginning, she made mistakes. However, she understood her mistakes with an excellent attitude to correct them and didn’t allow herself to be defeated because she faced many challenges.
Letizia Faulkes: With the help of her mentor, she understands the expectations of her. Then she began to walk a permanent improvement path so in patrols, reports, relationships with the rest, military attitude, and professionalism. Today, I can proudly be an excellent asset in any station where she is assigned. Simply She made it.
Shani Nosferatu: my most memorable moment was patrolling the waters during my rotations as a recruit and making friends and helping others when I could and my mentor Senior Chief Ugajin being there for me when I needed him
Letizia Faulkes: Now, to make you a proper Petty Officer of the SL Coast Guard:
Shani Nosferatu: “I, SR Shani Nosferatu, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Guidelines of the SL Coast Guard. That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me, God.”

Letizia Faulkes: Finally, by order of the Commandant of the SL Coast Guard, you are now promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Class with all rights and responsibilities of that rank! Congratulations PO3!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have four superb PO3s to consider for Honor Graduate. It is always a difficult choice with so many top-notch recruits.
We have to consider a person’s activities and patrols, their patrol rates, quality of reporting, evaluations from various XOs, but most importantly, we examine “character.” Character is more important than anything else we do, and indeed these four have demonstrated exemplary character, all of them. So finding who makes a difference that distinguishes them is extremely difficult and requires the most significant responsibility. Now to be fair. Let me step away from the prepared speech for this time and let me say that this month the decision was hard.
In some cases, the scores were so even that I would have liked to decide to give them the shared achievement in my privacy. But SLCG’s policy for Honor Graduated is clear and precise. The achievement is only for one. Let me confess that establishing who made a difference with justice was the most challenging task and decision that I have had so far since I am the CO of RTC. Petty Officers, you should all be proud of the very distinguished manner you have earned your Graduation. Ladies and gentlemen, after very much deliberation, our September 2020 Honor Graduate is:
PO3 Maikemia Sunato!
Now for full-time station assignments, and please listen closely to your orders, as provided by G1.
PO3 MaikeMia Sunato, your new station is Station Byron Bay in District 3, and your callsign is SLCG-537
PO3 Nance Monti, your new station is Station Farcastle in District 4, and your callsign is SLCG-538 congratulations!
PO3 Talanos Arcamenel, your new station is Station Cranberry in District 1, and your callsign is SLCG-539
PO3 Shani Nosferatu, your new station is Station Sarcee in District 2, and your callsign is SLCG-540 congratulations!
Letizia Faulkes: I would like to thank all RTC Staff, instructors, to the Capt Lez the Head of the Mentor Program, for her permanent support, to Station COs/XOs and helpful crew, and all Mentors who took part in training these fine new Petty Officers. To our four new Petty Officers, please remember that the learning process does not end with Graduation. Be open to guidance in adapting to station life, taking on new responsibilities, and training with the training commands. As Third Class Petty Officers, you will now work as part of the crew at your assigned station. Choose your training carefully and continue to work hard to attain your personal goals. And for those stations who are gaining these new Petty Officers, please get them connected right away and make them feel at home, like part of your family. Again, well done, and thank you for your hard work. I enjoyed working with every one of you new Petty Officers way to go and safe seas for all of you
Congratulations to all of you graduating members, Class of September 2020. I’m so proud of all your accomplishments, and remember there are many out there to help you along the way, all you have to do is just ask.
As always your faithful reporter,
CPO Asa Darkbyrd