Did you think the story stopped there, in the article, “The Cost of War?”
Not at all, allow me to share the continuation of the interview with you because here is the Station Munro’s Memorial’s story, which is quite correctly named, “The Cost of War.”
As you can hear Fitzwilliam Darcy explaining to us what is going on, take a listen, can you hear his voice as it says:

Fitzwilliam Darcy: Asa, ahead are 12,000 crosses. An average of 12,000 soldiers of all sides died on an average day of WW2. So this memorial represents an average single day of World War II.
Asa Darkbyrd: A single day?
Lacie Python: yes
Fitzwilliam Darcy: An average day, if you count in civilians- and the atrocities, this represents like six hours of WW2.
Adili Roge: And that is the people fighting only.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Yup
Shadow McConach – Utzon: for 2000 days
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Maybe here with the memorials to our namesake?
Adili Roge: Over here, we have a memorial to LT Poppy, a member of NAS (Naval Air Station), one of our allies
Lacie Python: RIP LT Poppy ๐

Adili Roge: Please explain these memorial walls, Capt. Darcy
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Lacie made these memorial walls. Lacie, can you explain to them, please?
Asa Darkbyrd: I think they are beautiful; you did really great work on them, ma’am
Lacie Python: We had Douglas completed first, but after adding to our namesake, we added Edith, rightfully next to her son, as she would have wanted and just like in real life. Edith was the embodiment of Semper Paratus, and she is worth looking into when you have the time. Still, for the sake of tonight, I will leave it as a mother knows no limits, and she indeed did not. And as for the other monuments that flank either side, these are SLCG member-submitted; I asked them for their own personal inscriptions. The tours were completed to honor those connected more personally to us.

Fitzwilliam Darcy: Yes
Fitzwilliam Darcy: When her son Douglas Munro was killed, Edith joined the Coast Guard in his honor
Lacie Python: yes, Sir, she had only been a housewife and a mother her entire life. Edith was the embodiment of Semper Paratus. She is worth looking into when you have the time, but for the sake of tonight, I will leave it as a mother knows no limits, and she indeed did not. And for the ones that flank either side, these are SLCG members submitted.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Yes
Lacie Python: I asked them for their own personal inscriptions and the tours completed, as a way to honor those connected more personally to us
Fitzwilliam Darcy: When her son Douglas Munro was killed, Edith joined the Coast Guard in his honor

Lacie Python: yes, Sir. She had only been a housewife and a mother her entire life.
Asa Darkbyrd: oh wow
Lacie Python: His death sparked a passion for continuing on with a career in the coast guard, and she was no slouch. She is truly inspirational.
We wanted to reach out to the surviving family to see if they’d be interested in seeing the dedication. That’s all from me before everyone falls asleep ๐
Adili Roge: I live near where their RL Memorial is, and until COVID came along, we planned to go see it. We will spend next year there for sure.
Asa Darkbyrd: I’m like in awe seriously, I didn’t know this.
Lacie Python: that’s so wonderful I will go see it sometime in my lifetime, absolutely
Asa Darkbyrd: Where is that at?
Lacie Python: Laurel Hill memorial park in Cle Elum, Washington
Adili Roge: yes, there is s one in Olympia, Washington at the capitol grounds and another at their gravesites in Cle Elem, Washington
Fitzwilliam Darcy: There’s a WPB in the Seattle area, too, I think
Adili Roge: Capitol yes, it is owned by a private party, a husband and wife. It is on Lake Washington, and the public is welcome to tour it. but right now and for the past 6 months, the Governor of WA will not allow us to go
So, LT Poppy
Adili Roge: She passed in RL and was a big part of NAS and a big help to us at Munro as well
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Poppy was a big help to us. Her and all of NAS
Lacie Python: She indeed was and brilliant in a plane
Asa Darkbyrd: oh, where is that
Adili Roge: here over here to the south. So when she passed, we built this memorial to honor all she did for everyone in the Gulf; it features a photo of her plane and a shadow image of her in the background. You can see it up close.
Lacie Python: Did you make this one Adili?
Adili Roge: Also, her favorite poems. I did
Lacie Python (kitty.nova): thank you, it’s perfect
Adili Roge: Thank you, ma’am,
Fitzwilliam Darcy: and poppy flowers
Adili Roge: yes
Asa Darkbyrd: I think it’s gorgeous
Lacie Python: I really love it
Adili Roge: smiles. Thank you
Asa Darkbyrd: and you guys really did honor to her memory.
Adili Roge: she was a wonderful person, and we wanted something for her here at our memorial area. A place where we could come and where NAS people could also come and pay our respects as well as remember her extraordinary contributions
Asa Darkbyrd: oh, it’s me who really is appreciative of you guys taking the time to talk to me about this. I mean, you can’t stand here and not be affected by the whole scene.
Adili Roge: I look forward to reading your article and to seeing you join us here at Munro too
Shadow McConach – Utzon: it’s life-changing
Adili Roge: it is
Lacie Python: an excellent reason to check out the magazine ๐
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Are their records of old archives?
Lacie Python: thank you for talking with us
Asa Darkbyrd: It’s a lot of memory and honors here, and you guys have made it so beautiful, and I’m sure that they are thrilled and feel proud of the work each of you has done to keep their memories alive
Fitzwilliam Darcy: There was an article on Munro in 2017 in the magazine too
Asa Darkbyrd: smiles, “Thank you.”
Adili Roge: I can not help myself. Every time I come here, tears start flowing. These people gave up everything for us โฆโฆ.
Asa Darkbyrd: nods and totally gets it.
And I honestly get it. The Munro Memorial is so gorgeous. Contributions made to the memorial are put together by the talented SCPO Adili Roge. LT Lacie Python is absolutely outstanding; the monuments, the crosses, and even the monument to Poppy, which of course, I will definitely expand upon another time. Until then, this is your roving reporter, PO1 Asa Darkbyrd; signing off, have a great night/great day whichever the case may be.
Until the sun shines again,
Be well, be happy and healthy, and to remember, everyone is special in their own unique and individual way,
PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
Assistant Editor
SLCG Magazine