On September 19th, Station Munro hosted a celebration for the 10th Anniversary of it’s founding in 2010. The celebration included a host events culminating in a beautiful display of fireworks as members of the SL Coast Guard and guests reflected on the legacy and impact of Station Munro.
During the opening ceremony, guest speakers CAPT Sophie Sharkfin and LT Lacie Python shared various experiences and the impact of Station Munro. LT Python reflected on her time as the first Executive Officer of the Station and how much Munro had grown over the previous 10 years, as a station fully connected with the World-War-Two-associated organizations — even expanding into the area of realistic combat triage and the numerous individuals saved during combat simulations.
CAPT Sophie Sharkfin discussed the importance of “carving out a little time now and again to honor the past, to honor sacrifice.” And she noted how Station Munro does this “as a duty” by honoring “the sacrifices of many… to make the world a better place.”
Events continued with an incredible air show with pilots from Munro and Naval Air Station providing a spectacular display of aerobatics. Guests were dazzled with the precision flying and surprises offered by these aeronautical events. Clearly, their rehearsals paid off!
As is customary in important military remembrances, the guests participated in a formal military ball DJ’d by Senior Chief Shadow McConaugh and current Commanding Officer of Station Munro.
The second day involved an “open house” with tours of Station Munro, a display on the “cost of war,” Normandy beach at Noumea, and the Uniform Center and Offices. Former Commanding Officer of Station Munro, Fitzwilliam Darcy closed the ceremony with the following words

It is evident that Station Munro retains a special place in the culture of SL Coast Guard. They do indeed honor the past “as a duty.”
And after the event there was a ball where SCPO Shadow, the CO of Munro was the DJ and the cake was beautiful:

Written by: Captain Sophie Sharkfin