Beach parties are so much fun…and this one was no different. We had a wonderful Beach Party on May 8th, 2021 which was coordinated by Jay Anatine. Jay did a fantastic job and we all had a blast. This was an all day event and there were hosts and music galore. The sim was beautifully decorated with everything you can imagine at a beach.
We had surfing of all types and swimming and beautiful area’s to sit in and bask in the sunshine. We danced all day to the great DJ line up. DJ Jay Anatine, DJ Shadow McConach, DJ Willow Hamilton, DJ Karen, Dj Nick Munsch and DJ Yalene. Our Hosts were Christy Lynch, Patrice Cournoyer and myself.
There was a brig and people were put in the brig by our jailers Bill Black, Sachin De Saltu, Jay Anatine, Shadow McConach and Devon Reggiane. Fun was had by everyone. You were put into the brig ten minutes and given a uniform and when you served your time, you got a plaque. This was terrific planning!
We also had a special auction with our Admirals and they were auctioned off to do patrols with any SLCG member that won. The events and the Island with so many things to do was wonderfully planned.
Everyone had fun and we earned lots of lindens for Relay For Life. Thanks so much to all our volunteers for this Event. You all did a wonderful job. We are so proud of all of you.
CPO Nance Monti,
Yeoman to the PAO
Co-Editor SLCG Magazine