Henry Foggarty: Greeting everyone, today we will bring an inspection team at the brand new SLCG Ice Station. The Station is located SW of here and it’s like McMurdo Station in Antarctica. It means we will have to use some precautions. First of all, the passenger will wear ODU with a parka, so check your equipment. I just checked with the Station about the weather forecast; there is a temp of -45°C, -50°F wind 16 kt. It means we will and exposed skin frostbit in 2 minutes. Once we arrive there, pax have to run inside the Station where MCPO Adili will wait for them. Remember we have 15 minutes there, then we will take off again and come back here.
Sophie Sharkfin: Anything more than that and the helicopters won’t get airborne, and we’re stuck there.
Henry Foggarty: we will line up on the runway and take off making line formation; the Station is located SW of here. We will follow the road then a river that will bring us there. Helo 3 will land first, deliver pax and take off, then helo 2 the same, and once airborne, you will be circling over the Station.
I will be the last and will wait there with the engine running ready.
Allian Blackwell (allian): Listen up! This could be our new Station. So, let’s show SLCG strong.
So, after the debriefing and everyone making sure to get their heavy winter gear on, everyone boarded on their prospective helicopter and lifted off. Everything was going very smoothly. The heavy snows laid out below the helicopters like a blanket of pristine white crystals glinting every ray of sun that it caught.

A colossal storm shook two of the helicopters about mid-flight. It shook the helicopters so hard; it shook loose its passengers into the snowy banks below. It looked like it was raining bodies from the skies, only one helicopter stood fast against the sudden storm. CMCPO held the aircraft steady until after everyone was checked for injuries.
The newly delivered helicopters sat in its place under the guardianship of the CMCPO SmokieJade as she hovered above the rest of the scrambling coasties trying to get back into the Orca. I think I caught some bits of conversation while waiting for the new helicopter to arrive. There was even talk of a conspiracy of sorts to overthrow the kingdom, so to speak.
Mαηdy ℂαятнαgε ŁεεЌš: I see Henry’s plan- get rid of Senior Command, and declare himself King 😉
Allian Blackwell: looks around for hot chocolate maker. We got Cora too, we’ll hold her ransom.
Sylvia Caproni: I hate to ask… ma’am… but… fuel?
Letizia Faulkes shouts: free to board!
Uh, I think it sounded like someone was low on fuel. That can’t be good. Once more, everyone was sky born, after the new helicopters were delivered, and heading towards the new Station with much anticipation.
While we were heading to the Arctic Station, some of the passengers wondered about the weather conditions they would encounter after they stepped off the helicopters. Some wondered what wildlife they would face. Some wondered what the Station was going to look like. Some of the crew simply wondered where the donuts and coffee would be hiding once they arrived.
Eventually, after much time, the blue hue that contrasted the white snow below came into view, and one by one, the skilled pilots landing their craft.

The coasties exited and, with much haste, rushed into the Arctic Station’s safety. You could feel the tears and snot starting to freeze as the cold blasting winds hit you in the face with such roguish force you couldn’t help but tear up. Crunching snow plastered into its soft powder, the boot prints of the coasties that made their way through the biting cold, and the doors slid open, beckoning each one into its warm embrace.

The interior awed the onlookers as they were greeted by their host MCPO Adili Roge, who was in charge of the new Station’s construction. While wide eyes stared at the scene before them, directives were being shouted by the ever-vigilant Commandant:

Allian Blackwell: shouts: 2 minutes, and you die out there!
Adili Roge: shouts: head inside less than 2 minutes to exposed skin frostbite.
CεLιnε: shouts: o lol you see that penguin????
Yes, impending doom loomed upon the onlookers. They continued to stare at the building before finally moving into the interior. For a moment, it seemed that frozen faces and noses were going to be the first into the newly minted infirmary of the Ice Station. Even the penguins were starting to stare wonderingly at the newcomers who simply stood around from the sounds of it.
Adili Roge: shouts: Welcome to the SLCG Ice Station.
Red noses with rosy cheeks and teary eyes greeted her with a new appreciation for a heated building. Everyone took turns looking into each of the rooms. You could see a sleeping room, a conference room, a radio room, and the ever-loved dining hall as you toured the Station.
And go figure, Captain Sophie Sharkfin found the radio room first thing and decided to camp out and make herself home.
Sophie Sharkfin logs into the computer to check my email.

Aros Korobase: shouts: AH!! I’m in the most crucial room, I found the donuts.
Yes, folks, the dining hall had DONUTS. Of course, the most favorite staple food of the SL Coast Guard is Donuts, so many helped themselves. At the same time, they got the royal tour, let’s go and listen to the conversation while we eat our donuts and warm our frozen fingers with the cups of hot coffee. Thank you, MCPO Adili, for having it waiting for us.

As everyone wandered about checking cabinets, drawers, poking into the locker area, CMC Xiolin Lightpaw was heard making his comment. He seems to have become zen with wildlife.
Xiolin Lightpaw (xiolin.furlough): This is my home now. I am one with the wolves.

Makes you wonder if they felt the same; they did look rather vicious and ravenous. Be careful, CMC Xio, they might bite your leg off. Even our illustrious Commandant was feeling protective over the CMC Xio. She is a fierce and mighty leader, our Commandant. Yay!
Allian Blackwell: I’m not sure what to do with them, don’t want to shoot them. But we will have health meters, so if you get bitten, you will have to be ambulated out.
No, we do not want to shoot them, let the wolves live free, it is their home, wild and beautiful, so no wolf shooting.
While the Commandant was explaining the process and procedure for wolf bites, in case you decide to pet the wolves. LT Coralie Foggarty had already snatched a donut and took over the kitchen:
Coralie Foggarty: anyone wants ice cream?
Ice cream in Antarctica??? I think I will sit that one out. Captain Sophie Sharkfin had other ideas:
Sophie Sharkfin: um, hot chocolate, maybe? This is the first major tour of the ice station. We are all inspectors, so we must inspect
After shaking the frost out of her brain, which was being warmed up by the lifesaving hot chocolate, she began to start directing the coasties that wandered about enjoying being on the inside. Although during this time, some braved to the outside. Remember, people! The warning of 2 minutes went through my mind as I watched them opening both doors to exit the building. Leaving the doors open, it decided to give us a shocking, chilling blast when they left both the doors open. YIKES!! Sorry MCPO Adili Roge, you might want to make it to where the doors close automatically. We might lose all of our heat, and it will take forever to heat us back up again. Makes me wonder if LT Coralie Foggarty’s donut froze to her hand, heh.
Allian Blackwell: Yes, inspect, what does it need?
Well, Commandant, the doors need fixing for sure to automatically close, and someone was caught nipping in the corner of the locker area.

CεLιnε: opens her flask with cognac.
And someone else was already making their Christmas wish list adding the extra note at the end to Santa Clause:
Mαηdy ℂαятнαgεŁεεЌš: I have been- very nice :).
Yes, ma’am Rear Admiral Mandy Leeks, you are a very wonderful and friendly person. I’m sure Santa has you on his good girl and boy list.
After a while, another voice authoritatively speaks above the crowd:
Adili Roge: feel free to look about, but you are underdressed for the temperatures outside. Only go out for short times.
Yes, folks, we do not want you to lose your noses, fingers, and toes out there, so make sure you dress for the weather outside. AND remember 2 minutes, folks.
Were there more opinions about the Station? Yes.
Xiolin Lightpaw: It has donuts and coffee. I think it passes survivability.
Of course, the Commandant had a comment about that:
Allian Blackwell: this isn’t your regular Station, not fit for comfort. No certs.
Sylvia Caproni: Altoids then?
I think Altoids would be murder in Antarctica, don’t you think?
Xiolin Lightpaw: This can be the furry Station. All of us have fur.
Allian Blackwell: you will have duties to perform outside. You will do Ice SAR here. Ice Diving. And part of our mission is environmental.
Xiolin Lightpaw: no problem
Asa Darkbyrd: ice diving? O.o
Wait! What? Ice Diving? In Antarctica? Oh man, good thing you have fur there, CMC Xio, you are the wolf, so that’s the spirit, Coasty! I will leave the Ice Diving to the ones with the built-in fur coats.
Sophie Sharkfin: if you deploy here, you cannot leave the Station for a week.
Allian Blackwell: meaning you’re on a line only one small entrance out and in you will be wearing health meters so don’t die.
I think someone changed their minds about making snow angels out there.
Mαηdy ℂαятнαgε ŁεεЌš: snow angels ae out though 🙂
Maybe you can get CMC Xio to do them for you while he becomes one with the wolves. OH! Look, I got a present; I think Rear Admiral Mandy Leeks is my favorite person right now.
Mαηdy ℂαятнαgε ŁεεЌš: hands Asa a donut 😉
Or was she teasing? I saw that wink.
Allian Blackwell: It is hard to heat with no wood and no fuel. It is all geothermal up here all there is.
Adili Roge: We use Thermal heating here.
Okay, here we go again, that word, Thermal, and Geothermal, I’m sorry, but what is that? Well, just in time like magic, all of a sudden, there was an explanation as to what Geothermal heating is:
Adili Roge: We have a Thermal Energy Generator not far from the Station. Super-insulated pipes are coming from there to our Station, and the steam is pumped through our floors in a series of pipes that look like a giant radiator. If you could see them. We typically see our temperature is at around -45 to -58 this time of the year.
Yes, why yes, there are pipes, and while I’m looking under the building at the lines, I see the most curious thing.
Asa Darkbyrd: I just ask a question, though, why is the building on Skis? Does that mean it’s portable if we push hard enough?
Adili Roge: We keep the Station up in the air to not become trapped in the ice we are sitting on. We also have the station ion skis so that if the ice under us gets to thin or if we want to study a new area, we can move the Station. I read a lot about Antarctica before I built it.
Allian Blackwell: Adi and Henry have been researching it. This will be like Munro and the start of our new goal of Maritime Environment.
Sophie Sharkfin: Can we see if there is any wildlife before we go?
Adili Roge (adiliroge): Yes, there are many Polar Bears and wolves in our area. The Polar bears are vicious and protective of their young, but if you avoid them, they will likely avoid you. There are also a lot of wolves in the area. They will attack you for no reason. Remember, you are food to the wildlife that lives here.
Suddenly there came a shout out to the groups:
Sophie Sharkfin shouts less than 5.
Also, there was a warning that inclement weather was coming, and if you didn’t get to the helicopters on time, you would be stuck at that Station. That would be terrible. Everyone ravaged the kitchen eating all the donuts and ice cream, and the hot chocolate. How would we survive with no food?
Everyone began to file out of the Arctic station, waving a farewell to their host and thanking her for giving us a tour. There is no name for the Artic Station as of yet, but it will be coming soon, and when it does, you bet this reporter will be waiting to hear it.
And as usual, this is your roving reporter saying goodnight/good day to you, and I hope that your day is as smooth as butter.
Until next time, this is Asa Darkbyrd, Signing off.
PO1 Asa Darkbyrd
SL Magazine
Assistant Editor